Any BGMC member may check out the books and pamphlets in the Club's library shown below or listed on the downloadable PDF at the bottom of this page. To check out materials, please contact Warren Ellison at [email protected] and he will bring the requested items to the next monthly meeting.
- American Mineral Treasures—G. A. Staebler & W. E. Wilson, 2008, 354 pages.
- Ancient Forests—F. J. Daniels & R. D. Dayvault, 2006, 456 pages.
- Approved Reference List of Lapidary Material Names—AFMS, 1978, 27 pages.
- Approved Reference List of Classification and Common Names For Fossils—AFMS, 1974, 21 pages.
- Bancroft & District Regional Mineral Collecting Guidebook—Bancroft, Ontario Chamber of Commerce, 2001, unpaginated.
- Beryl—John Sinkankas & Peter G. Read, 1986, 225 pages.
- Bill's Booklet of Lapidary Tips—Wm. Harris Rock Shop, undated, 58 pages.
- The Cambrian Platform in Northwestern VT—Vermont Geologic Society, 1985, pamphlet.
- Cambridge Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences—David G. Smith, editor, 1981, 496 pages.
- Colorants of Ancient Civilizations—Ciba‐Geigy Corp., 1986, 44 pages.
- Colored Stones, Vol. 1: The GIA Colored Stone Course—Geological Institute of America, 1980, unpaginated.
- Craft Metals, T. B. Hagstoz & Son, 1962, 36 pages.
- Crystal & Gem (Eyewitness Series)—R. F. Jymes & R. R. Harding, 1991, 64 pages.
- Crystal and Mineral Collecting—William B. Sanborn, 1960, 145 pages.
- Crystal Quest 1 – Cartoons Re Crystals—Marcel Vanek, 1991.
- Dinosaurs, Dunes, and Drifting Continents: The Geohistory of the Connecticut Valley—Richard D. Little, 1986, 107 pages.
- Double Wire Trees—Eberhardt, Dick & Skipper, 1981, 63 pages.
- Emerald and Other Beryls—John Sinkankas, 1981, 665 pages.
- Encyclopedia of Minerals, 2nd ed.—Willard L. Roberts, Thomas J. Campbell & George R. Rapp, Jr., 1990, 979 pages.
- Exhibiting – The Show Biz Aspect of the Hobby—Patricia A. Mummert & William Shelton, 1990, 65 pages.
- Feathered Dinosaurs—Tom Rich, undated, 10 pages.
- Gems and Gemstones—L. Grande & A. Augusyn, 2009, 369 pages.
- Gems & Precious Stones of North America—George Frederick Kunz, 1968, 367 pages.
- Gemstones and Minerals – How and Where to Find Them—John Sinkankas, 1961, 387 pages.
- Geology and Mineralogy of Mont Saint‐Hilaire—Worcester Mineral Club, Worcester, MA, 1973, 46 pages.
- Geology – Principles and Processes, 3rd ed.—W. H. Emmons, G. A. Thiel, C. R. Stauffer, and I. S. Allison, 1949, 502 pages.
- Glossary of Mineral Species—Michael Fleischer, 1971, 120 pages.
- Granite State Mineral Collecting—Ronald W. Gallop, 1970, 129 pages.
- Guide to the Minerals and Rocks of Minnesota—G. A. Schwartz and G. A. Thiel, 1960, 29 pages.
- Guidebook for Field Trips in Vermont and Adjacent New York—David R. West, editor, 2011, unpaginated.
- Guideline for Judges—AFMS, 1985, 22 pages.
- Introduction to Mineralogy—William D. Nesse, 2000, 442 pages.
- Iron Mine Trails (A Hiker's Guide to Historic Mines in the NJ and NY Highlands)—Edward J. Lenik, 1996, 160 pages.
- Jade—J. P. Palmer, 1967, 54 pages.
- Jbel Issoumour – Trilobite Mountain—Tom Rich, undated, 14 pages.
- Let’s Start Faceting—Wm. Harris Rock Shop, undated, 27 pages.
- Luminescent Minerals of Connecticut—Robert W. Jones, Jr., 1960, 53 pages.
- Lunar Rocks Under the Microscope—Carl Zeiss, undated, 24 slides.
- Maine Mineral Collecting—Geological Survey – Maine Dept. of Economic Development, undated, 24 pages.
- Microscopic Identification—Richard E. Stoiber & Stearns A. Morse, 1972, 278 pages.
- Mineral Collecting in Vermont—Raymond W. Grant, 1968, 49 pages.
- Mineralogy for Amateurs—John Sinkankas, 1964, 585 pages.
- Mineralogy of Maine, Vol. 1: Descriptive Mineralogy—V. T. King & E. E. Foord, 1994, 418 pages.
- Minerals and Man, 3rd printing—Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr., 1970, 304 pages.
- Minerals of Vermont and New Hampshire – A field Guide—W. David Hoisington, 1977, 165 pages.
- The Mineral Kingdom—Paul E. Desautels, 1968, 251 pages.
- Mining and Mineral Operations in the United States—U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1967, 90 pages.
- Open Mineral Sites in Vermont—Ruben Paul Whittemore, 1988, 13 pages.
- Panning for Gold at Highway Stream Crossings (Vermont)—David & Clois Walker, 1990, 33 pages.
- Principles of Geochemistry, 2nd edition—Brian Mason, 1960, 310 pages.
- Prospecting for Uranium—U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1957, 217+ pages.
- Roadside Geology of New Mexico—Halka Chronie, 1987, 255 pages.
- Roadside Geology of Vermont and New Hampshire—Bradford B. Van Diver, 1987, 230 pages.
- Rocks and Minerals—Herbert S. Zim, 1957, 160 pages.
- Rocks, Ridges & Glaciers, 2nd ed.—U.S. Dept. of Interior, 1994, 92 pages.
- Successful Mineral Collecting and Prospecting—Richard M. Pearl, 1961, 164 pages.
- Trilobite Eyes & Punctuated Equilibria—Tom Rich, undated, 9 pages.
- Vermont, A Special World Rockhounding in Vermont—Ethel Schuele & Charles Doll, undated, 12 pages.
- Western Massachusetts Mineral Localities—1992, 140 pages.
- Wyoming Jade – A Pioneer Hunter’s Story—Russell P. MacFall, editor, 1980, 53 pages.
- Yellowstone’s Living Geology—William A. Fischer, 1960, 62 pages.
- Yogo – The Great American Sapphire—Stephen M. Voynick, 1987, 207 pages.
- Rocks and Minerals, Volume 62, Number 2, 1987
- Rocks and Minerals, Volume 62, Number 6, 1987
- Rocks and Minerals, Volume 63, Number 2, 1988
- Rocks and Minerals, Volume 64, Number 4, 1989
- Rocks and Minerals, Volume 70, Number 2, 1995
- Rocks and Minerals, Volume 71, Number 4, 1996
- Rocks and Minerals, Volume 82, Number 6, 2007 ["New York State I" special issue]
- Rocks and Minerals, Volume 83, Number 3, 2008 ["New York State II" special issue]
- The Mineralogical Record, Volume 20, Number 2, March-April 1989
- The Mineralogical Record, Volume 20, Number 3, May-June 1989
- The Mineralogical Record, Volume 24, Number 5, Sept.-Oct. 1993
- Gems & Gemology, Volume 24, Number 31
- Smithsonian, Volume 23, Number 10 (January 1993)
If you would like to see the entire list of library items available to borrow, please download the PDF below.
bgmc_library_catalog_december_2016.pdf |