Ethel and William Schuele Scholarship
The primary goal of the Burlington Gem and Mineral Club (BGMC) Ethel and William Schuele Scholarship is to promote and support original research on Vermont geology by undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a college or university within New England or New York. The scholarship does not seek to cover all of the researcher's expenses but instead should be viewed as a professional endorsement of the research endeavor. Requests for scholarships are judged on how well the proposed research will advance the science of geology and its related branches within the State of Vermont. One scholarship will be awarded on a competitive basis per calendar year. The scholarship is in the amount of $1,000.00. Scholarship funds will ordinarily be used for expenses directly associated with the research proposed. Eligibility, application instructions, application review, and recipient responsibilities are detailed below.
Undergraduate and graduate students who are undertaking original research projects on Vermont geology and related disciplines are eligible for the scholarship. Scholarship applicants need not be members of the BGMC. Graduate and undergraduate students must be currently enrolled in degree-granting institutions within New England or New York and their research must be part of a degree requirement. Post-graduate students, college or university faculty, and institutions are not eligible. The BGMC strongly encourages women, minorities, and people with disabilities to apply for this scholarship. Students are eligible for only one scholarship per degree pursued.
Application Instructions
Students must submit a completed application form and two confidential letters of recommendation. The application should be downloaded as a Microsoft Word file from the link at the bottom of this page. Once completed, the application should be saved as a PDF file, signed electronically, and sent to Stephen S. Howe at [email protected]. Students should arrange to have their two references send their respective letters of recommendation directly by email to the same address. The letters of recommendation will ordinarily come from the student's academic or thesis advisor and from one additional faculty member. References must discuss in detail the student's academic record in their letter of recommendation.
Application Review
The Scholarship Committee of the BGMC will evaluate each application on the basis of the feasibility and scientific merit of the proposed research and on the abilities of the researcher. The applicant will be notified by email whether the proposal will be funded. The decisions of this committee are final.
Responsibilities of Recipients
Scholarship recipients are encouraged to present their results at professional meetings as well as to publish them. In both cases support by the BGMC must be acknowledged. Recipients who cannot undertake or complete their project must return any unused funds to the BGMC and submit a written explanation of expenses incurred. Scholarships may be subject to tax by the IRS and the scholarship recipient is responsible for determining this. Prior to graduation, all BGMC scholarship recipients are expected to 1) submit a written abstract of the results of their research to be published in the BGMC Newsletter, and 2) present their research at a regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the BGMC.
Deadline for Submission: Received by October 1, 2024
Download the Scholarship Application Form: Microsoft Word version
Undergraduate and graduate students who are undertaking original research projects on Vermont geology and related disciplines are eligible for the scholarship. Scholarship applicants need not be members of the BGMC. Graduate and undergraduate students must be currently enrolled in degree-granting institutions within New England or New York and their research must be part of a degree requirement. Post-graduate students, college or university faculty, and institutions are not eligible. The BGMC strongly encourages women, minorities, and people with disabilities to apply for this scholarship. Students are eligible for only one scholarship per degree pursued.
Application Instructions
Students must submit a completed application form and two confidential letters of recommendation. The application should be downloaded as a Microsoft Word file from the link at the bottom of this page. Once completed, the application should be saved as a PDF file, signed electronically, and sent to Stephen S. Howe at [email protected]. Students should arrange to have their two references send their respective letters of recommendation directly by email to the same address. The letters of recommendation will ordinarily come from the student's academic or thesis advisor and from one additional faculty member. References must discuss in detail the student's academic record in their letter of recommendation.
Application Review
The Scholarship Committee of the BGMC will evaluate each application on the basis of the feasibility and scientific merit of the proposed research and on the abilities of the researcher. The applicant will be notified by email whether the proposal will be funded. The decisions of this committee are final.
Responsibilities of Recipients
Scholarship recipients are encouraged to present their results at professional meetings as well as to publish them. In both cases support by the BGMC must be acknowledged. Recipients who cannot undertake or complete their project must return any unused funds to the BGMC and submit a written explanation of expenses incurred. Scholarships may be subject to tax by the IRS and the scholarship recipient is responsible for determining this. Prior to graduation, all BGMC scholarship recipients are expected to 1) submit a written abstract of the results of their research to be published in the BGMC Newsletter, and 2) present their research at a regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the BGMC.
Deadline for Submission: Received by October 1, 2024
Download the Scholarship Application Form: Microsoft Word version