NEXT MEETING: Saturday, December 7, 2024
TIME: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
PROGRAM: “Holiday Potluck Luncheon”. The Club will hold its annual Holiday Potluck Luncheon. Homemade and store-bought hot and cold dishes, appetizers, salads, and desserts are all welcome. Food offerings at prior potlucks have included items such as glazed ham, meatballs, lasagna, bean casseroles, green and fruit salads, cookies, brownies, pies, etc. The Club will supply paper plates, napkins, utensils, and drinks. Steve Howe will coordinate the food items for the luncheon. Please email Steve at [email protected] to let him know that you will be attending and what dish or dishes you intend to bring. Members are also encouraged to bring in any mineral and fossil specimens they have collected or previously purchased to show other members. Tall tales about your past collecting experiences are always entertaining as well.
LOCATION: St. Pius X Church, 20 Jericho Road, Essex Junction, Vermont. The Church is most conveniently accessed from the north along Route 2A and Route 289 and from the south off of I-89 along Route 117 and Sand Hill Road. See the map at the bottom of the page.
DETAILS: Facing the Church from Jericho Road, use the driveway on the right to enter the parking lot. Enter the building using the glass-enclosed side entrance to the right of the main entrance and take the stairs down to the Father Murray Room. See the photograph at the bottom of the page.
TIME: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
PROGRAM: “Holiday Potluck Luncheon”. The Club will hold its annual Holiday Potluck Luncheon. Homemade and store-bought hot and cold dishes, appetizers, salads, and desserts are all welcome. Food offerings at prior potlucks have included items such as glazed ham, meatballs, lasagna, bean casseroles, green and fruit salads, cookies, brownies, pies, etc. The Club will supply paper plates, napkins, utensils, and drinks. Steve Howe will coordinate the food items for the luncheon. Please email Steve at [email protected] to let him know that you will be attending and what dish or dishes you intend to bring. Members are also encouraged to bring in any mineral and fossil specimens they have collected or previously purchased to show other members. Tall tales about your past collecting experiences are always entertaining as well.
LOCATION: St. Pius X Church, 20 Jericho Road, Essex Junction, Vermont. The Church is most conveniently accessed from the north along Route 2A and Route 289 and from the south off of I-89 along Route 117 and Sand Hill Road. See the map at the bottom of the page.
DETAILS: Facing the Church from Jericho Road, use the driveway on the right to enter the parking lot. Enter the building using the glass-enclosed side entrance to the right of the main entrance and take the stairs down to the Father Murray Room. See the photograph at the bottom of the page.
The Club respects the decision of any member who may be more comfortable wearing a mask during Club meetings.
Regular club meetings are held on the last Thursday of the month (except July, November and December). Prospective members are always welcome. No background in geology, mineralogy, or paleontology is required.